I'd like to praise the people who are working tirelessly to bring art into the classroom even in these difficult economic times. The efforts of dedicated teachers, parents, artists, and community minded people are improving the education of children that might not have had the opportunity to be exposed to the arts, otherwise.

Below is a list of organizations who are dedicated to making the arts happen in the schools. I would love to see this list grow. Do you know of a group or individual who provides art, music, dance, or theater to public school children? If so, please comment and provide any information that you have and I'll add them to the list.
- Name, city and state
- Which arts - visual, music, dance or theater?
- Link to website, or contact person
- Lessons during school hours or an after school art program?
- Lessons at no charge to the student or is there a fee?
People Who Make it Happen!
Programs in Public Schools During School Hours
no cost to students
Programs in Public Schools During School Hours
no cost to students
Adventures in Art, Torrance, CA
A parent run art program for public school children.
Tip from George McMullen
A parent run art program for public school children.
Tip from George McMullen
All the Arts for all the Kids Foundation, Fullerton, CA
All volunteer program bringing art, music,
dance, and theater to public schools
Art for Progress, New York, NY
Nonprofit provides art workshops for underserved youth.
Allied Arts, Chattanooga, TN
Non-profit provides impressive grants to local schools.
Tustin Area Council of Fine Arts, Tustin, CA
Supports the Art Masters Program for Tustin Schools.
Tip from Marsha Lindsey
After School Programs
no cost to students
The Wooden Floor, Santa Ana, CA
Providing hope and opportunity for at risk youth
through dance, academic, and family programs.
All volunteer program bringing art, music,
dance, and theater to public schools
Art for Progress, New York, NY
Nonprofit provides art workshops for underserved youth.
Allied Arts, Chattanooga, TN
Non-profit provides impressive grants to local schools.
Tustin Area Council of Fine Arts, Tustin, CA
Supports the Art Masters Program for Tustin Schools.
Tip from Marsha Lindsey
After School Programs
no cost to students
The Wooden Floor, Santa Ana, CA
Providing hope and opportunity for at risk youth
through dance, academic, and family programs.
Other Art Programs for School Children
free or low cost
Anaheim Arts Council, Anaheim, CA
Annual Children's Festival with free or low cost activities for children.
Tip from Devon Reeves, Anaheim Farmers Market
Anaheim Artmobile, Anaheim, CA
Bus travels to city parks and kids learn about famous artist, try different art techniques. FREE. A bus full of art in the park must be magical to a kid! Tip from Dawn Olsgaard
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