
What a Great Day!

We had a great turn out at our book launch party for "We Eat Food That's Fresh!" and "We Love The Company". I am honored and appreciative of the support and enthusiasm of friends, family, and fellow illustrators.

SCBWI Westside Illustrators:
Cindy Whitlock, Laura Lacamura,
Irina Mirskaya,
Steven Corvelo, Suzy Engleman Block

Some people were so generous as to buy books to give to libraries, preschools, teachers and parents. I can't tell you how much that means to me. If I could, I'd give a book to every library & classroom, to encourage children to eat healthy, but alas, I am only me. So, I am very grateful for the help spreading the word!

Tim Russ play some wonderful songs from his CDs. It was obvious that everyone thoroughly enjoyed his performance. I am so glad that Tim shared his talent to create voice of the chef for "We Eat Food That's Fresh!".

Cathy June, Angela Russ-Ayon, Tim Russ, Irina Mirskaya

We had many helpers to make it a special event. Laura set up refreshments and tended to refreshments while Dennis made sure no one went thirsty. Jisel, Julia, Marcus and Emily helped children make crafts throughout the day on the patio. Thank you Sandi, for rescuing me at the sales table!

A huge THANK YOU to everyone who participated and helped to make it a memorable day!

Angela Russ-Ayon and I will be at another signing at Chemers Gallery for "We Eat Food That's Fresh!" on Saturday, September 12th, from 4-6pm.

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