WHO's signing WHAT book?
I am happy to say, Chemers Gallery has invited author Angela Russ-Ayon & illustrator, Cathy June (that's me), to celebrate the release of our new book "We Eat Food That's Fresh!" on September 12th. We'll have a reading, lots of books, and reFRESHments!WHAT's the SNEAK PREVIEW all about?
December 5th, 2009 Chemers Gallery will have its18th Annual Children's Book Illustration Show & Signing. Normally, the books for this event are available to pre-order in early October, but if you come on September 12th, you'll get an early peak at them! There will be dozens of children's books to choose from.
Every December, Chemers Gallery is transformed from a beautiful contemporary art gallery to a magical land of make believe, filled with original illustrations from picture books. It's a place where children and adults alike can wonder and imagine and dream.
Works by five different illustrators are exhibited each year and their books are available. This year, the event will benefit Saint Joseph Ballet in Santa Ana. Even if you can't come December 5th, signed and dedicated books can be pre-ordered, starting September 12th.
Beth Krommes chats with visitor, Patti Lui at the
2008 Children's Book Illustration Show
CLICK HERE to see more pics

Above: 2007 Children's Book Illustration Show
Pictured: Linda Zielinski, Joe Cepeda, Stacia Deutsch, Laura Huliska-Beith, Raul Colon, Mordicai Gerstein, Noah CLICK HERE for more pics